Veganuary 2018
I haven't been at this long, but I have been wanting to be more plant-based this entire year and some odd months.
When my daughter was about 2.5 years old I hopped on Pinterest to find some recipes for picky toddlers.
Many of the recipes were vegan or vegetarian. A lightbulb 💡 went off and things started to click for me. No one gets more creative with veggies than vegans.
My main concern with my daughter was getting her to eat more veggies. She is almost 4 and she is still a bit picky. BUT I have found a few recipes that she likes. And some of the time she will eat them or even ask me to make them 😲.
So after diving into the abyss that is Pinterest, I ventured off into YouTube-land and subscribed to some amazing Vegan YouTubers.
I have since tried many different recipes and I have made several changes already. We only buy plant milks and we switched our mayo to a vegan one (Just Mayo being my favorite).
I haven't documented every meal or recipe that I've tried.
I have a few of them on this blog, several I have made more than once.
So my goal for 2018?
Aside from blogging more.
I want to go vegan/plant-based.
Which brings me to something called Veganuary. Go Vegan in January! A vegan challenge.
If you want more information or would like to take the pledge to try vegan for the month of January, then you can check out this link .
My other goal for 2018 is to meal prep.
I'd also like to invest in an instant pot.
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